Bands vs. House Music

I have a great respect for bands.  Music has always spoken to me and as I’ve changed through the years the type of music I listen to changes also.  Since I live in Los Angeles, I do a lot of driving.  Since I’m 2 years from 50 I listen to the radio when I drive.  And since I’m something of a Cougar I listen to the new music: NOT talk radio, NPR, or revel in the past listening to songs I’ve heard a million times on Jack FM!

Amusingly enough, these days I enjoy going to see live music.  In the past, concerts were fun but not necessary to my happiness.   Because I enjoyed my comfort waaay too much and standing for 2-3 hrs wasn’t that appealing no matter how much I loved the music.

My brother practically had to drag me to the 3 concerts I attended in my 20’s.  Oingo Boingo at Universal Amphitheater, 10,000 Maniacs in Irvine and B52’s, again at Universal Amphitheater.  All concerts I thoroughly loved and enjoyed every minute of, but that fact never managed to change my lazy attitude.

Radio was good enough for me.  And dancing at the bars to the hits songs.

Until recently.

Within the last 3 years I’ve increased my exercise 100% (i.e. I actually GO to the gym now.  Hey!  That’s a 100% change!) And I’ve re-directed my life.  These two things have given  me the energy to enjoy going to concerts and hearing live music.

Especially bands.

Now I’ve been to a club or bar recently and heard what’s called House Music and I’ll admit its fun to dance to.  But its not the same as a concert and not as good, in my opinion.  Mostly due to the fact they change the song when they turn it into House Music.  The DJ speeds it or slows it to hit a certain beat to segway smoothly into another song.  And they often don’t play songs in their entirety.  Don’t even get me started on the scratching shit.

When I hear songs on the radio I often want to dance to them.  Its frustrating when I can’t find a club or bar that’s playing my songs and even MORE so when I’m at the club and hear a song I love only to have it turned into LESS!

A band has to have a lyricist who is also able to write music.  A band has to play instruments, sometimes several different ones.  A band has to also know how to perform, work together AND manage/market their careers.  It irks me when people tout Michael Jackson.  Did he ever play an instrument?  How many of his songs were written by him or just purchased from Prince or someone else.  He could sing and dance.  Which a lot of people can do, as proven by American Idol!

A band does so much more.  They write the original from their heart and their experience.

Coachella released their line up for 2011 and it  looks fabulous (more on that later).  But I kept hearing complaints that this House DJ isn’t on the line up or this or that singer wasn’t going to play.  And I’m thinking… its about BANDS!

And thousands agreed with me as Coachella sold out in a week.  51,000 tickets sold in a WEEK!  And people thought I was nuts buying layaway tix in December before the lineup was even released!  Next year I’m going to buy 1 extra ticket and sell it on ebay, juuuust in case this happens next year.  Tickets are going for almost double their price on ebay right now, months before the event!

The draw of music in an outdoor festival beats House music any day.  I don’t care WHO’s “mixing”.

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